June 29, 2022

Altered Five Blues Band - Ten Thousand Watts (2019)

Exciting, groovy and kicking !
Those Altered Five guys don't joke about the boogie, no sir ! You hear it from the opening track "Right On, Right On". They don't mess around the blues either. Big rhythm section, heavy sound, groovy churchy organ, exciting guitar licks and JT's powerful vocals, the album keeps up to its title : it's all roadhouse tasty rocking blues stuff.

The band plays a very appealing synthesis of blues styles : Chicago style, Texas hot rocking blues, Louisiana swamp blues and roots Mississippi Hill Country boogie... They mix them into a powerful and very efficient personal blend. The bass-drum pair delivers a hell of a heavy sound that kick your ass, make your organs jolt inside your body, and your feet stomp the ground no matter what.

"JT" Taylor
From the lyrics you understand these guys don't run on water, but they never let the train get off the beat tracks. Even the slower numbers ("Don't Rock My Blues", "Sweet Marie", "Dollars & Demons"...) compensate their swampy laid-back rhythm with extra soulfulness of vocals and lead guitar. And the guest performance of Cohen on harmonica on both the opening and final boogies must not be overlooked either.

Yes, no doubt, really exciting, groovy and kicking ! ■

The live videos
Nice videos on Altered Five's site : https://www.alteredfive.com/photosvideos.html

2022, Moulin Blues, Ospel (Holland) :
undetailed title : https://youtu.be/TZAcoDt2sgs
"With a Little help From My Friends" : https://youtu.be/0ABi5Q1-zZo

2022, free open air concert, Levitt Pavilion, Dayton (Ohio) : https://youtu.be/duEMshlwTFg

2022, Winter Blues Festival, Des Moines (Iowa) : https://youtu.be/ufGx-pFJVzs

2021, BlueStage, Napoleon (Michigan), full 25-song playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTySWIrfWUeoZj666fDjWCLBQ2NkklPx7
[Jeff Schroedl – Guitar, Alan Arber – Drums, Jeff Taylor - Lead Vocals, Mark Solveson – Bass, Steve Huebler - Keyboards]

2019,Smiling Moose Saloon, Newton (Wisconsin) : https://youtu.be/KwkzINGHN88

2018-19, Shank Hall, Milwaukee (Wisconsin) :
2019 : https://youtu.be/xUcmZqFenc8
2018 : https://youtu.be/_sbdWinRhYk

2018, Baltic Bluesfest, Eutin (Germany) : https://youtu.be/GROggX2dA54

2018, Germany :
[Jeff Taylor: Lead Vocals - Jeff Schroedl: Guitar - Mark Solveson: Bass - Raymond Tevich: Keyboards -​ Alan Arber: Drums]

2014, Ale House, Milwaukee (Wisconsin) : https://youtu.be/LwuQAp6tVcY

2014, the Blues Cafe : https://youtu.be/M6Iv26BP6fE

2013, live  : https://youtu.be/ptOabhocBbY

Jeff Schroedl

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