Showing posts with label Albert Cummings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albert Cummings. Show all posts

July 26, 2023

Albert Cummings - Blues Make Me Feel So Good : The Blind Pig Years (3-CD Box) (2015)

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Big boss man

A scorching guitar in the hands of a clean cut building contractor ! That could be a hasty portrait of Albert Cummings illustrating the saying : don't judge a book by its cover. Or an album as it happens. The fact is that he was not really destined to become a guitar hero, but a businessman in the construction industry.

Born in 1967, in Williamstown (Massachusetts), 56 today, Albert Cummings was raised in a musical family (his dad played guitar and fiddle in local bands). At 12, unable to wrap his hand around a guitar's neck, he took up the banjo and would have become at best a talented bluegrass player, but life has some funny tricks in stock.